As we are amid an international crisis due to the outbreak of COVID-19, it is important — now more than ever — to ensure that NPOs get the attention and care that they need to stay afloat. This is where PR comes in. 

We live in a highly capitalist business environment; if anyone is mentioning giving to the less fortunate it is pertaining to large non-profits. Often overlooked, smaller organisations could undeniably benefit from PR assistance as it would assist them in growing their association and, in turn, their reach. 

Now you may be asking yourself, ‘What does a PR pro working with a non-profit actually do?’ Well, a PR professional’s job is often confused with that of a marketer. Here, the PR’s role is to manage the organisation’s image. This means taking control of outreach programmes and press communication.

Additionally, PR helps to
  • acquire donations
  • raise awareness for their respected cause  
  • write press releases regarding events, fundraisers or campaigns
  • attract volunteers, supporters or donors
  • manage social media accounts, and
  • build relationships with news and media contacts.
The core focus of PR for NPOs

Aside from the functions mentioned above, a PR pro’s main goal when working with these associations is to make their cause consumable and promotable. The PR team does this by concentrating on member relations and fundraising.

Members of the organisation are kept up to date on the PR plan of action regarding campaigns through newsletters. meetings or webinars. Fundraising is also a key element of non-profit PR, as this is how relationships with donors and members are developed and sustained.

Now, without further ado, here are five tips that PR professionals can employ to make their non-profit a success:

1. Have a clear vision

One of the most important parts of growing an organisation and its influence is aiding them in achieving their mission. This will be impossible if it is not clear what the non-profit wishes to achieve. 

When defining their mission, the organisation must consider who they are targeting with their PR material. This will usually fall into the categories of news or media outlets. According to bloomerang, they can do this by asking, “What do you hope your audience will give you, and how will you move them toward doing so?”

2. Start a blog

A great way for an organisation to build a positive brand reputation and gain supporters is by creating personalised content; this can be done simply and cheaply by starting a blog. 

Nonprofits can build their blog content around community news, fundraisers, events and human interest stories. Writing blog posts about your organisation's story is an effective way to present your NPO as genuine and it will earn your supporters’ trust. 

When creating content, it would be beneficial to your brand if you find a unique angle or perspective that will make your nonprofit stand out — highlight what makes your cause special and why people should support it.

Blogs are a useful aspect of a nonprofit PR strategy because it :
  • allows you to directly target your audience
  • is a cost-effective medium 
  • is easily accessible
  • allows you to update your supporters regularly, and
  • boosts your company’s SEO.

3. Build your social media presence

So you’ve started your blog; the next step is to work on your social media presence. This is a cost-effective and easily accessible way for the brand to engage with like-minded individuals — building a relationship with their benefactors in the process. 

Once your social media is up and running, you can promote your blog content across the different platforms. By doing this, you are building your brand’s own media channel, filled with original content targeted at your audience. Having a prominent online persona is not optional, but imperative for success. 

Social media is a vast environment, with millions of users. This makes it a useful tool for nonprofits to utilise, in order to grow their reach and build their support. PR professionals can use this channel to:
  • alert followers about upcoming events 
  • create awareness around what the brand does
  • promote blog posts
  • recruit volunteers (this can be done by informing followers about fundraisers and urge them to help out), and
  • communicate with supporters. 

4. Write targeted press releases

A simple way for PR professionals to keep their supporters, donors and media contacts in the loop is by writing press releases. These press releases need to be informative but also need to convey your nonprofit in a promotable manner. 

For example, if you’re asking for a donation, you need to include a link to where the reader can find out more information on the cause and donate. This content should be targeted at the appropriate media, depending on the content.  

5. Focus on building loyalty

Once your nonprofit garners a loyal supporter base, their reach will greatly increase as your volunteers, supporters and benefactors will begin to advocate for your cause. However, loyalty does not happen overnight and requires persistence and dedication on your part. 

Nonprofits can build loyalty by doing the following:
  • Reach out to loyal supporters for testimonials on the brand (this will boost consumer trust). 
  • Work to understand why beneficiaries donate; by putting yourself in the donor’s shoes and working to understand why they donate to your cause, you are able to cater towards those values.
  • Humanise their donors. Nonprofits need to look at their donors as more than a money machine. By recognising the value of your donors, you become an organisation that people want to be a part of.
 Do you have any tips for PRs working with nonprofit organisations? Let us know in the comments section below.

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Want to know more about the complexity of PR? Be sure to check out our article, “I work in PR” … But, what does that even mean?
*Image courtesy of Vecteezy